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FPS  Remodding Weapons Prototype

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Project Goal

I was inspired by Destiny 2 to create a system that would allow for personal investment into weapons by letting players modify the gear they like by sacrificing gear they don't.

Work Summary

  • Using UE4's FPS template, created the base needed for the project, including 3 different weapons

  • Created 5 mods that take the core of whatever weapon they are attached to and improve one stat while lowering another

  • Set up the remodding UI with minimal functionality to achieve the desired flow for working through the system

  • Added proper functionality to the UI menu and fully implement changing mods on the currently equipped weapon


This project came out nearly exactly as I had hoped it would. The player has access to three predetermined weapons to start from and take mods from. Putting mods into a weapon has an immediate and noticeable affect on them. I decided not to implement a cost system for this, however. Destroying a weapon in a prototype of this small a scale would have just made properly trying out various combinations too much trouble for fast iterations.

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