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Unreal Tournament CTF Map

Unfortunately no playable available. The map file has been lost.

Project Goal

The goal was to make a greybox-level multiple Capture the flag map in Unreal Engine 4. I had to work entirely with UE4's BSP brushes and was limited to very specific weapons to place. All of this was meant to be inspired by a fictional space, mine being the Shinra Tower from Final Fantasy VII.

Work Summary

  • Created diagrams for a similar layout to Shinra Tower, working to keep FPS gameplay in mind

  • Made the map with BSPs and went through multiple iterations to get AI pathing and sightlines right

  • Ensured the materials and colors of the environment worked to give the player cues on where they were and where to go


The map, to me, definitely feels like Shinra Tower when thinking of the layout as a whole. There are parts that feel a little too empty/open, which could be improved with another pass to add clutter. The map played out very well in the class's playtest session, with it playing very much like a regular CTF map.

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